Friday, September 20, 2024

Statement: JMBF Strongly Condemns Recent Killing of Former Student League Leaders at Dhaka, Jahangirnagar, and Rajshahi Universities by Mob Justice

Paris, France – September 20, 2024:
JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) expresses its profound concern and outrage over the rise in political violence in Bangladesh, particularly the targeted attacks on members of the Bangladesh Awami League and its affiliates. These violent incidents, which have escalated since the interim government led by Nobel laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus assumed power, are being perpetrated under the banner of the so-called "Anti-Discrimination Student-Citizen Movement," driven by extremist factions including Jamaat, BNP, Hefazat-e-Islam, and their militant student wings.

JMBF unequivocally condemns these brutal acts, which include targeted murders, arson, and the false framing of political opponents. These actions are egregious violations of human rights and a direct assault on the democratic foundations of Bangladesh.

"The ongoing wave of violence in Bangladesh is a blatant attempt to stifle political opposition and dismantle democracy through fear and terror," stated Robert Simon, a prominent French human rights activist and Chief Adviser of JMBF. "The targeted killings, destruction of property, and impunity for the perpetrators represent an attack on justice and freedom. The international community cannot remain silent while these atrocities continue to unfold."

According to reports from various news sources, political violence has intensified under the guise of the "Anti-Discrimination Student-Citizen Movement," with leaders, activists, and supporters of extremist organizations like Jamaat, BNP, and their militant affiliates—Chhatra Shibir, Chhatra Dal, and Jubo Dal—at the forefront of these attacks. The most alarming aspect is the violent targeting of members of the Bangladesh Awami League and its affiliates.

On September 18th, under this banner, Chhatra Dal leaders and activists brutally tortured and murdered former Chhatra League leader Shamim Ahmed, also known as Shamim Mollah, at Jahangirnagar University. The same day, a mentally ill former Chhatra League member, Tofazzal Hossain, was falsely accused of theft and tortured to death at Fazlul Huq Muslim Hall of Dhaka University. Earlier, on September 7th, Jamaat-Shibir militants fatally beat former physically disabled Chhatra League leader Abdullah Al Masud at Rajshahi University under the pretext of mob justice.

These murders of Shamim Ahmed, Tofazzal Hossain, and Abdullah Al Masud are tragic examples of unchecked violence being carried out by extremist groups. Since the fall of the Awami League government on August 5th, mob violence has surged, with the interim government’s failure to take decisive action only emboldening the perpetrators.

"We demand an immediate halt to these horrific acts of violence and call for impartial investigations and swift justice for the victims," said Advocate Shahanur Islam, Founder President of JMBF. "The government must uphold the rule of law, protect its citizens, and ensure that those responsible are held accountable. Without immediate action, Bangladesh's democracy and human rights are in grave danger."

JMBF further notes that since the fall of the Awami League government, a culture of lawlessness has taken root under the banner of the "Anti-Discrimination Student-Citizen Movement." Despite appeals for restraint, the government has failed to take meaningful steps to curb the violence, allowing these incidents to continue unchecked. This violence must be brought to an end, and those responsible face justice through impartial investigations and exemplary punishments.

JMBF urgently calls upon international human rights organizations, the United Nations, and the European Union to closely monitor the deteriorating situation in Bangladesh and to apply pressure on the interim government to restore order and ensure justice. Political violence, in any form, is a grave violation of human dignity, and the global community must unite in condemning these heinous acts.

"The people of Bangladesh deserve peace, security, and the freedom to express their political views without fear," JMBF emphasized. "Now is the time for the international community to act in solidarity with the people of Bangladesh and demand an immediate end to this violence."

JMBF remains committed to advocating for democracy, human rights, and justice in Bangladesh and will continue to raise its voice against oppression and political violence wherever it occurs.

For further information:

Mosa Jannatul Fredaus 
Coordinator & Executive Member 
JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) 
Email:; Website:

JMBF is an independent non-profit, nonpartisan human rights organization registered in France with registration number W931027714 under the association law of 1901, dedicated to defending human rights, fighting for justice, and empowering communities in Bangladesh and beyond.

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