Showing posts with label DAY OBSERVANT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DAY OBSERVANT. Show all posts

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Human Rights Day 2024: JMBF Founder Highlights Human Rights Violations in Bangladesh at Paris Event

Paris, December 12, 2024 – In celebration of Human Rights Day 2024, Advocate Shahanur Islam, Founder and President of JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), participated in a high-profile event at the Hôtel du Ministre, Quai d'Orsay, Paris, on December 10, 2024. Organized by the Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs, the event convened prominent human rights advocates, government officials, and international representatives to address global human rights challenges.

The event opened with remarks by Isabelle Rome, French Ambassador for Human Rights and former Minister for Equity, and Volker Türk, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, setting the stage for a series of engaging discussions moderated by Frédéric Jung, Deputy Director of the United Nations, International Organizations, Human Rights, and La Francophonie.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

STATEMENT: JMBF Statement on World Human Rights Day 2024

Paris, France; December 10, 2024: On the occasion of World Human Rights Day 2024, JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) joins the global community in reaffirming its commitment to the advancement of human rights and equality. This year’s theme,Our Rights, Our Future, Right Now” serves as a timely reminder of the work still to be done in Bangladesh to create a society free of oppression and injustice. This day is not just a celebration of universal human rights, but also a call to action to address inequality, uphold dignity, and foster justice for every citizen of Bangladesh.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

JMBF Statement on Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) 2024

Paris, France; November 20, 2024- On this Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) 2024, JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) solemnly honors the memory of transgender individuals who have tragically lost their lives to anti-transgender violence. While this day serves as a global observance, we particularly focus on the alarming rise in violence against transgender people in Bangladesh, where systemic discrimination and religious intolerance continue to devastate the transgender community.

Robert Simon, Chief Adviser of JMBF, emphasizes, "In Bangladesh, transgender individuals, particularly Hijra and other gender-diverse communities, suffer from relentless violence, social exclusion, and denial of basic human rights. Many are deprived of access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities, forcing them into precarious and vulnerable situations. As we remember those we have lost, we renew our unwavering commitment to fighting against these injustices."

Thursday, October 10, 2024

STATEMENT: World Day Against Death Penalty 2024 – JMBF Firmly Calls for the Abolition of Death Penalty in Bangladesh

October 10, 2024 | Paris, France:
On the occasion of World Day Against Death Penalty 2024, JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) firmly calls upon the present Interim Government of Bangladesh, led by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Laureate for Peace, to abolish the death penalty in all its forms in Bangladesh.

JMBF believes that the death penalty is an irreversible and inhumane punishment that has no place in a just and civilized society. Our stance aligns with both national and international legal frameworks that prioritize human dignity, the right to life, and fairness. The Constitution of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, particularly Article 32, guarantees the right to life and personal liberty, yet the death penalty stands in stark opposition to this fundamental right.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

STATEMENT: International Lesbian Day 2024 – A Call for Justice and Equality in Bangladesh

Paris, France; October 08, 2024 – On the occasion of International Lesbian Day 2024, JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) stands in solidarity with lesbian women and the broader LGBTQ+ community, both in Bangladesh and worldwide. This day serves as a crucial reminder to reflect on the progress made, acknowledge the struggles that persist, and renew our commitment to fighting for justice, equality, and safety for all lesbian individuals.

Friday, August 30, 2024

STATEMENT: JMBF Calls for Justice and Accountability for Enforced Disappearances in Bangladesh

Paris, France; August 30, 2024:
On the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances, JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) stands in unwavering solidarity with the victims and families affected by enforced disappearances in Bangladesh. This day serves as a crucial reminder of the need to protect the fundamental rights of all citizens and to ensure justice for those who have been forcibly taken from their families.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

১৭ মে সমকামীতাভীতির বিরুদ্ধে আন্তর্জাতিক দিবস ২০২২ উপলক্ষে বিআইএইচআর এবং জাস্টিসমেকার্স বাংলাদেশ এর যৌথ বিবৃতি

যৌন প্রবৃত্তিগত সংখ্যালঘু সমকামী ব্যক্তির সাংবিধানিক স্বীকৃতি প্রদান পুর্দবক দণ্ডবিধির ৩৭৭ ধারা বিলোপ করে তাদের সুরক্ষা প্রদান আইন প্রনয়ন করা হোক। 

যৌন প্রবৃত্তিগত সংখ্যালঘু সমকামী সম্প্রদায় অর্থাৎ লেজবিয়ান, গে, বাইসেক্সুয়াল এবং ট্রানজেণ্ডার ব্যক্তি  সমাজের আর দশজন ব্যক্তির চেয়ে আলাদা কেউ না হলেও
 বিশ্বের অধিকাংশ সমাজে তাদের সবসময় আলাদা করে নিচু দৃষ্টিতে দেখা হয়ে থাকে। 

ফলে তাদের সমাজে গ্রহণযোগ্যতা, সমমর্যাদা ও আইনের দৃষ্টিতে সমতা প্রতিষ্ঠার  জন্য প্রতিনিয়ত সংগ্রাম করতে হচ্ছে।

শুধুমাত্র যৌন প্রবৃত্তি ও লিঙ্গ পরিচয়ের কারণে মানবাধিকার লংঘনের ঘটনা সারা বিশ্বে আজ গুরুত্বর উদ্বেগের বিষয় হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে। 

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

BIHR Celebrates Music Freedom Day 2020 in Bangladesh

Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights along with its partner organization JusticeMakers Bangladesh and Ekushe Parishad, Naogaon celebrates the Music Freedom Day 2020 at Naogaon today. The celebration of music freedom day is coordinated and supported by Freemuse. They music freedom day celebrates in Bangladesh first ever time.

Monday, December 10, 2012

জাস্টিসমেকার্স বাংলাদেশ এর বিশ্ব মানবাধিকার দিবস ২০১২ উদযাপন।

ঢাকা, ১০ ডিসেম্বর ২০১২
মানবাধিকার প্রতিষ্ঠান জাস্টিসমেকার্স বাংলাদেশ,ঢাকা, মানবাধিকার উন্নয়ন প্রকল্প (এইচআরডিপি), খুলনা, মানব উন্নয়ন কেন্দ্র (মউক), মেহেরপুর এবং গ্লোবাল হিউম্যান রাইটস ডিফেন্স (জিএইচআরডি) যৌথভাবে নানান কর্মসূচী আয়োজনের মাধ্যমে বর্নিলভাবে খুলনা ও মেহেরপুরে  আজ ১০ ডিসেম্বর বিশ্ব মানবাধিকার দিবস ২০১২ উদযাপন করে। মানবাধিকার উন্নয়ন প্রকল্প (এইচআরডিপি), খুলনা আজ

Thursday, March 8, 2012

JusticeMakers Bangladesh & Manab Unnayan Kendra celebrates the International Women Day 2012

JusticeMakers Bangladesh & Manab Unnayan Kendra jointly celebrates the International Women Day 2012 under the theme of Connecting Girl: Inspiring Future.  As the part of celebration of this day it has organized a Human Chain followed by the Rally at in Meherpur district, the southern region of Bangladesh to raise more awareness about rights and opportunity for the women & girl to show support to those women & girl who are often victimized in violence in Bangladeshi society.

Monday, January 17, 2011

BIHR & HRDP celebrates the International Human Rights Day in Khulna

Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) and Human Rights development Project-Khulna (HRDP) supported by Global Human Rights Defense (GHRD), Netherlands celebrates the International Human Rights Day 2010 in Khulna, the southern region of Bangladesh. As the part of the celebration of this day it has organized a Human Chain followed by the Rally, on the theme of “Speak up: Stop Discrimination” to raise even more awareness about rights and opportunity for the women & girl to show support to those women & girl who are often victimized in violence in Bangladeshi society.

The Human Chain and Rally took place in front of the Cemetery Road, Khulna around at 9.30 am, the organization and more than four hundred people of different ethnic, religious, race, profession, sex, institution, age attend the event. Among them, more than 150 women victim of torture and organized violence from five different victim association namely Sonali Victim Association, Progoti Victim Association, Sheikhpara Victim Association, Diyara Victim Association & Banargati Victim Association who were rehabilitated by Bangladesh Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma Victims (BRCT) and acting as a human rights defender in local level were attend the event.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

GHRD’s partners in South Asia observe International Human Rights Day

On 10 December 2009, GHRD’s partners in South Asia organised different events to observe the International Human Rights Day under the theme of Empowerment and Civil Participation of Women and/or Children, with the aim to enhance civil society participation to empower and strengthen the identity and self-image of marginalised women in society. The activities of the partners are documented below reflecting the success of their actions and commitment in the field.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Notice: Invitation for attending the International Human Rights day 09 Celebration events

Dear friends,

Greeting from BIHR

Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR), Bangladesh Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma Victims (BRCT), Naogaon Human Rights development association (NHRDA) and Global Human Rights Defence (GHRD) is jointly going to celebrate International Human Rights Day 2009( 10 December) at Dhaka and Naogaon. A human chain followed by the rally in front of National Press Club at 10. am, a discussion meeting at Dhaka reporter unity building at 11. am and a street drama, in front of Shaheed Meenar around at 4.00 pm would be organized as the part of the celebration of International Human Rights day 2009.

Friday, June 26, 2009

NEWS: BIHR along with BRCT Celebrate the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) along with Bangladesh Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma Victims (BRCT), Human Rights Development Centre-HRDC in cooperation with European commission celebrate the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture by organize a view exchange meeting on “Together against Torture & Organized Violence on Indigenous / Tribal People” from 12.00pm -2.00 pm on June 26, 2009 at Reporters Unity Conference Room, Sagun Bagicha, Dhaka.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

NEWS: BIHR and BRCT is jointly going to observe the UN day of support to victim of torture.

Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) and Bangladesh Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma Victims (BRCT) is jointly going to organize a view exchange meeting on “Together against Torture & organized Violence on Indigenous/Tribal People” from 12.00pm -2.00 pm on June 26, 2009 as the part of difference programme on the occasion of observance of United Nation Day of Support to the Torture Victim. In the meeting Sanjeeb Drong, General Secretary of Bangladesh Indigenous People Forum has kindly given consent to present the event as chief guest. Rang Lai Mro, a human rights activist and tribal leader has also given consent to present the event as special guest. Dr. AK Khalilur Rahman will preside the vent and Adv. Shahanur Islam will moderate the meeting.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

JOINT STATEMENT:Men and Women Must Unite to End Violence Against Women!

JOINT STATEMENT by Global Human Rights Defence, (GHRD) Jabala Action (Calcutta) Bangladesh Institute for Human Rights (BIHR), and Bangladesh Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma Victims (BRCT)

The Hague, Calcutta, Dhaka, 8 March 2009

Men and Women Must Unite to End Violence Against Women!

Global Human Rights Defence, (GHRD) The Hague-Dhaka, Jabala Action, Calcutta, a new partner organisation of GHRD, and Bangladesh Institute for Human Rights (BIHR), Bangladesh Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma Victims (BRCT) four NGOs involved in the promotion of women’s rights in India and Bangladesh, have joined forces to raise awareness about the plight of women in South Asia on International Women’s Day 2009.