Wednesday, June 30, 2010

URGENT APPEAL:Seeking justice through the proper investigation on the incident of torture by the DV police

¯§viK bs-weAvBGBPAvi/XvKv/03/06/2010                          30 Ryb, 2010

Aa¨vcK wgRvbyi ingvb
RvZxq gvbevwaKvi Kwgkb
evox # 6/3, e­K # wW
jvjgvwUqv, XvKv |

welqt cywjwk wbh©vZ‡b iv‡gK nvmcvZv‡ji B›Uvb©x wPwKrmK †bZv ¸i“Zi Amy¯’ nIqvi Awf‡hv‡Mi welqwU h_vh_ Z`š—c~e©K cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖnb cÖms‡M|


gvbevwaKvi cÖwZôvb evsjv‡`k BÝwUwUDU Ae wnDg¨vb ivBUm& (weAvBGBPAvi)-Gi c¶ †_‡K ï‡f”Qv MÖnb Ki“b|

Sunday, June 27, 2010

FACT FINDING REPORT:A Woman has been Raped after Abduction by Temptation to Marry by Local Jubo League Cadre.

Name of the victim             : Mrs. Nusrat Jahan Meghla (Baby)
Type of Violation                           : Right to liberty and security, right to personal integrity
Type of Act                                      : Abduction and rape
Investigation conducted by       : Adv. Shahanur Islam, Executive Director, BIHR, Rabindra Prasad Gupto, GHRD, Golam Mostofa, Coordinator, TFT, Rangpur and Dipak Kumar Pal, Coordinator, TFT, Gaibanda
Date of investigation                     : 23-27 June, 2010
Rangpur Central Jail, where the victim was forced to live in the name of safe custody

Thursday, June 10, 2010

FACT FINDING REPORT:A Hindu Minority community child has been converted and got marriage after abduction by Muslim man

Country                                             : Bangladesh
Name of the victim                         : Ms.Sumitra Dutta
Type of Violation                           : Right to liberty and security, right to personal integrity
Type of Act                                  : Abduction/ rape [1] / forced conversion [2]/ Force marriage[3] 
Investigation conducted by       : Adv. Shahanur Islam, Executive Director, BIHR, Rabindra Prasad Gupto, GHRD and Ashoke Banarjee of HRCBM
Date of investigation                     : 6-9 June, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

STATEMENT of BIHR published on newspaper regarding to withdrawing bann on Facebook

HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT by Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) for the month of May 2010)

HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT by Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) for the Month May-2010

¯§viK bs-weAvBGBPAvi/GBPAviAvi/05/06/2010                                      ZvwiLt Ryb 01, 2010

ÒwePvi ewnf©~Z nZ¨vKvÛ eÜmn †`‡ki mvwe©K gvbevwaKvi Dbœq‡b miKvi cÖwZkÖƒwZe× n‡jI †`‡k gvbevwaKvi jsN‡bi NUbv µgvš^‡q †e‡oB P‡j‡QÓ

wePvi ewn©f~Z nZ¨vKvÛ eÜmn †`‡ki mvwe©K gvbevwaKvi Dbœq‡b miKvi cÖwZkÖƒwZe× n‡jI †g‡k gvbevwaKvi jsN‡bi NUbv µgvš^‡q Zv †e‡oB P‡j‡Q, hv ewn:we‡k¦ evsjv‡`‡ki fveg~wZ© ¶zbœ Ki‡Q| evsjv‡`k BÝwUwUDU Ae wnDg¨vb ivBUm& (weAvBGBPAvi) Gi gnvmwPe/wbe©vnx cwiPvjK GW. kvnvbyi Bmjvg ˆmKZ †`‡ki gvbevwaKvi cwiw¯’wZi G†nb AebwZ‡Z Zxeª †¶vf I Mfxi D‡ØM cÖKvk K‡i‡Qb Ges AbwZwej‡¤^ gvbevwaKvi Dbœq‡b †Rvov‡jv c`‡¶c MÖn‡bi Avnevb Rvwb‡q‡QY|  

weAvBGBPAvi Gi Z_¨ I M‡elbv †mj KZ…©K 1 †g Õ10 †_‡K 31 †g Õ10 ch©š— 12 wU RvZxq ˆ`wbK cwÎKvq cÖKvwkZ msev` I wbR¯^ †bUIqv‡K©i gva¨‡g msMÖnxZ Z‡_¨i wfwˇZ cÖbxZ I cÖKvwkZ ‡g -2010 gv‡m evsjv‡`‡ki gvbevwaKvi cwiw¯’wZ wbgœiƒct

The State of Human Rights for the Month of May 2010

Ref: BIHR/HRR/05/06/2010                                                                               Date: 01.06.10

Despite of promising to promote human right, especially stop all kind of Extra-judicial Killing in Bangladesh, the Incident of Human Rights Violation is Continuing

(The State of Human Rights for the Month of May 2010)

The Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation registered with the Department of Social Welfare, Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh based on the United Nation Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) dedicated to promote and protect human rights in Bangladesh. BIHR publishes its state of Human Rights for the period of May 01 to April 31, 2010. The report was prepared by the research and documentation cell of BIHR on the basis of report published on 12 national news papers from May 01 to May 31, 2010, fact-finding mission and its direct sources. BIHR is resents and is deeply concerned over the continuing human rights violations in Bangladesh despite the promises to promote human rights, especially in regards to Extra-judicial Killing. Adv. Shahanur Islam, the Secretary General of BIHR asks the Government to take prompt and effective measures ensuring and end to all kinds of violations as well as demands to investigate and bring the alleged perpetrations before the book, forming a special commission.